Privacy Policy

General Policy

By viewing or visiting this website you are obliged to follow the privacy policy of our website. Observing, reviewing or monitoring of your acition on site BookFiberInternet. For quality assurance, training and online session analysis we sometimes review your interactions.

Information Gathering

Upon sign up on our website or ordering services you are required to share some information like name, address, email address, date of birth, social security or driver's license numbers, billing information including whether bills should be sent by mail or set up for online access. All this information is kept for official and billing purposes only. We do not share or sell your information to public directories or marketing agencies.

By using BookFiberInternet’s app, you agree to BookFiberInternet’s use of third-party analytics and monitoring software to record system and user actions within our app/website. We use this data to detect and resolve issues and to ensure that the app is functioning as designed within the user experience.

We may log dates and times and the telephone numbers of calls to and from our customers, especially when the information is necessary for billing. Generally, we do not retain any call information.

When a visitor goes to a BookFiberInternet website (such as, we receive information about the visitor's operating system and its browser, the site accessed immediately before accessing our website, pages that are visited, average time spent on site, along with other relevant statistics. For analysis and investigative purposes we may also record and view a visitor’s online sessions, IP information and location.We may also retain information entered by visitors on our online order pages, even if the visitor does not complete an order and submission of that information is deemed consent to our use of the information as contemplated in this privacy notice.

Information obtained when clicking on BookFiberInternet ads on other websites. When we place ads on others' websites, the ad networks we work with provide general information about visitors who click on our ads.

BookFiberInternet voice services

As a provider of local, long distance, and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services, we use customer information as outlined above under general practices.

BookFiberInternet internet services

While providing internet services to you as your ISP, we gather and use information as outlined above under general practices. We understand that children may use our internet services. We urge you to pay attention to what your children are doing on the internet and what sites they are visiting.

Third party advertisement

We frequently use advertising services to promote our website on internet specially we use many google services. This process could involve the use of cookies or other Internet information technologies by the ad networks.

Changes to this Privacy Notice

We update this privacy notice from time to time to reflect services, process and policy changes. We may notify you of any material changes by posting a notice on our website or inform you by sending email to your registered email with our company.

Contact us

If you have questions about our terms, rules and privacy policy, concerns about your personal information, or require assistance in understanding any of our plans or matter, please contact us. Email:

Call us: (866) 497-0232

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